Sunday, September 29, 2013

Module 2 Smart Phone Tetrad

• Enhances: The smart phone is constantly being updated and revised. New apps are developed to change with the current and future times. It makes one’s computer portable. The smart phone allows us to carry our music with us and play games on the internet at any time. People can talk to other people through text notes rather than with voice. • Obsoletes: The smart phone has replaced the regular cell phone which replaced most home phones. The smart phone also has something called face time which is like a video phone. Video phones never really emerged years ago when they first came out mostly due to the cost. The smartphone makes this option available to everyone. • Retrieves/Rekindles: The smart phone retrieves the communication with people on the home phone. • Reverses: I was just reading about Google Glass and this might be one hands free device that could replace the smart phone. We wanted out device portable so we could continue our lives outside of the home and still have our technology while on the go. Google Glass is hands free which I guess is the next step in portability.


  1. I once read an article somewhere that said that one reason video talking (or facetime) will never replace just voice-talking is that people like the (somewhat) privacy they have when on the phone. If they are looking in the mirror, using the restroom, distracted by someone else- it is easier to hide this on the phone, but not so much on video. What are your thoughts?

  2. That is interesting and now that you say that, I think I read that article and forgot about that. It is probably true. I don't like people to see me either while on the phone. I have never used facetime on my iphone and when I did want to try it with my kids, they turned me down.

    I have so much trouble uploading onto this site for some reason. I switched over to Chrome and it worked much better.

    1. Lori,
      Smartphones are definitely on the rise and their capabilities are changing daily. The smartphone itself, encompasses so many other parts of technology such as: internet, phone, camera, video, gps so on and so forth. Do you think that the smartphone could be consider an outer shell of technology?
